round white ceramic saucer and coffee cup
Meg Flint Archives

Saturday Morning Sip N’ Share: The Good Things

Happy Saturday friends! Are you ready to talk about the good things? I am! As a Mom and Mom blogger, I feel like I spend a lot of time focusing on the things that I need to do better or work harder on. But this week I want to focus on the good things. This summer has been rough. The girls are getting older and emotions are crazy. But while they’ve driven me crazy since June, they’ve also been part of a lot of good moments this summer.

Grab that coffee, get cozy and let’s chat. Cheers to another sip n’ share!

The Good Things at the Pool

white concrete framed swimming pool near benches with gate surrounded by trees
Photo by Ezequiel Da Silva on

I’m going to start with a bit of a backstory. Imagine that you’re in a Mommy-and-me swim class with your 4 year old. She’s bigger than all of the other kids by at least a few inches. And of course, she’s the second child which means she just naturally loud (haha, no offense second children!). Every time you try to pry that child off of you in the water she screams bloody murder. But somehow she still manages to pass the class. Talk about some PTSD and hesitation to do any other Mommy-and-me classes in the future..

Well here it is the Summer of 2023 and that 4 year old is now 6. I am proud to report that she now swims under water all on her own! She doesn’t stay under long, but that’s okay. I’m just proud of her for making such huge progress over the last two years.

My 8 year old has also made some huge strides at the pool this year. She has somehow transformed into a mermaid from last year until now. It’s so much fun to watch.

And here I am…I now can sit poolside and watch the girls rather than having to play human lifeboat while they’re in the water. It is a good thing, indeed.

The Good Things With Food

sushi roll on white ceramic plate
Photo by douglas miller on

If you’ve been following for a while then you know that my oldest daughter has some major food aversions due to Sensory Processing Disorder. Trying to feed her healthy, nutritious food has been a battle over the last two to three years. Well today I am happy to tell you that her willingness to try new foods without having a total breakdown is starting to change, and for the better!

The other day we stopped to get sushi on the way home. And what does my picky 8 year old say? “Mama, I want to try sushi.” Ummm, what?! I was so excited. And guess what?! She really tried it! I put two different kinds on a plate in front of her. She didn’t cry. She didn’t hide under the table and become nonverbal. That girl bravely picked up her chopsticks and took a few bites. She didn’t like it, but she tried it. And I was the happiest Mama (and still am) because that means that my girl is making progress.

If that isn’t a good thing then I don’t know what is!

So Many Other Things

framed picture with inspirational text hanging on wall
Photo by Skylar Kang on

We’ve had so many other good things happen this summer. Some became core memories while others fed into the ever-growing smile of summer time. And while these good things have been awesome, I’m ready to move on from summer break.

I’m definitely looking forward to the good things that come with the start of the school year and new routines. My girls will be in 1st and 3rd grade this year. I will be starting my routine as a full-time blogger. Oh, and I got my first review on a product in my Etsy shop this week! That just means that there are more good reviews to come.

What good things are happening in your life right now? If you are one to get stuck in the negative, always focusing on the bad around you, then I challenge you to focus on the good for the week. Look hard, I’ll bet you find more good than you realize.

Until next time my friends…
