white sketch pad beside cup of coffee
Meg Flint Archives

Saturday Morning Sip N’ Share: Over It

This Saturday morning I am just over it. What exactly is “it” you may ask? Don’t worry, I’m going to tell you. What I’m over is….SICKNESS. That’s right, I’m over it.

What a week it has been. At least it’s Saturday, though! Grab that cup of coffee, curl up on the couch and let’s start talking. I’ve got a lot to share.

How It Started

young game match kids
Photo by Breakingpic on Pexels.com

I noticed something was up with my oldest before we left Florida. She was coughing and she seemed a bit out of it. Sure enough, she confirmed later as we started to drive home that she wasn’t feeling good.

She coughed the entire way home. And by the time we got home she had a fever.

The fever lasted for about 3 and a half days. At one point it got pretty high (104.0 to be exact). Normally people would be like, “Oh, just give her some Tylenol or Ibuprofen and make sure she gets some rest.” Well, yeah, I made sure she got lots of rest. But giving her Tylenol, Ibuprofen or any meds for that matter is REALLY HARD. Why? She’s got PTSD from her past medical traumas. While most of us would be happy to take the grape and bubble gum flavored kid’s medicine over the icky adult stuff, it sends her into quite a frenzy. And while you can try to force someone to take something, you can’t really force them to swallow it.

How It Progressed

person holding thermometer
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels.com

On Tuesday my oldest was finally almost completely fever-free. We had tae kwon do that night, so I made her sit out because she hadn’t been 24 hours without a fever yet. While we were sitting out in the car with the AC on, my youngest was inside the dojang doing her thing. That was until she threw up on the mats. The poor girl got overheated and spewed right there on the floor in the middle of class.

That sounds like enough for one week, right? I thought so, too. But then I got the cough that my oldest daughter had (I still have it, by the way). And then my youngest got the cough, too. Fast forward to Thursday and one of my horrible headaches decided to show up after not having one in months.

To say I was over it all was an understatement. While it felt like everything just kept piling on, the days kept going by anyway. That’s the thing about life and motherhood in general…even when things are crappy, life doesn’t stop.

So what did I do? We rested. I let the girls have extra screen time even though I felt guilty about it. We took naps. My 8 year old even took a nap one afternoon, and that almost never happens. While we may have started to go a little stir crazy, we took care of ourselves. That’s all you can really do in moments like that, right?

At Least It’s the Weekend

man and woman jump on water
Photo by Scott Webb on Pexels.com

I have never been so happy to have a weekend come. I have a lot of hope for this weekend, even if that hope is small and silly. We have a birthday party to attend. The weather will be hot, and so my plan is for us to relax at the pool one day. Sure, I need to clean…but it’s the weekend. Screw the rest! Haha.

Oh, and since it’s the weekend…who is going to see the Barbie movie? I really, really want to go see it. I already kind of figured it wasn’t for young kids, so I’m not sure how I’ll sneak out to see it without my girls. I may have to wait a bit, but I will see it at some point in the near future!

Bring On the New Week

I hope that your weekend is filled with love, rest and lots of inner peace. And if your week was anything like mine, cheers to a better one next week!

By the way, did you see that I created a new group over on Facebook? “Mama Runs On Deals & Coffee” is my way of sharing fun deals with other people that like to shop (because what Mom doesn’t like to shop?). So if you haven’t joined already, head on over and check it out. While you’re there, make sure to sign up for my giveaway (ends Sunday, July 23, 2023)!

Thanks for being here with me. I couldn’t do it without you all!

Until next time…
